FMTC Academy

The FMTC Academy is part of the QHSE Department and has a global manager. On each FMTC location the FMTC Academy trained and appointed a representitive person or team who are responsible for the delivery of high quality products.

The FMTC Academy has programs for Initial training, annual assessments and ongoing staff development.

More information about the FMTC Academy please send an email to:


The FMTC HSE Surveys are part of the QHSE Department repsonsibility. On each FMTC location the a safety respresentitive should organize periodical surveys covering the topics Health, Safety and Environment. This survey focusses on the working an training environment of all FMTC departments as well as our delegates, third parties, offices, contracters and surroundings.

More information about the FMTC HSE Surveys please send an email to:

FMTC Technical

The technical department created many facilities on FMTC unique locations. These facilities are build according to international standards, local legislation and manufacturer guidelines. These standards, legislations and guidelines also specify preventive maintenance and inspections on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual or larger interval basis.

More information about the FMTC Technical requirements and activities:  

FMTC Reporting

The FMTC reporting system is globally implemented and based on best practice used in our industry. The program is called See Something, Say Something and contains near miss, incident, accident reporting as well as compliments, suggestions, complaints, technical and safety concerns. The system is designed to take away all resistance to report. Feedback is always provided.

More information about the FMTC Reporting system please send an email to:  

FMTC Auditing

The quality department is responsible for internal and external audits. These audits are to verify and cover 5 areas relevant to the organization and delivery of training. The 5 areas are:

- Management Systems

- Equipment and Facility

- Staff Resources

- Training and Assessment

- Health and Safety

More information about the FMTC audit team  please send an email to: